Selected Publications

As an extension of the TRISAT nanosatellite project, a reliable Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) design was developed. It was implemented as an analog circuit for use on a satellite relying on solar power generation within a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The system was prototyped, and its power conversion performance was characterized using a custom-built measurement setup.
In Acta Astronautica, 2017.

As an extension of the TRISAT nanosatellite project, a reliable Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) design was developed. It was implemented as an analog circuit for use on a satellite relying on solar power generation within a Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The system was prototyped, and its power conversion performance was characterized using a custom-built measurement setup.
In IEEE TAES, 2016.

Recent Publications

. Low Level Radiation and Fault Protection Techniques Suitable for Nanosatellite Missions. In RADECS, 2017.


. Increasing Reliability of COTS-Based EPS Subsystems for Nanosatellites. In 4S Symposium, 2016.

PDF Project

. Reconfigurable High Performance CCSDS Compliant S-band Communication Module for Nano-Satelites. In 4S Symposium, 2016.


. Analog maximum power point tracking for spacecraft within a low earth orbit. In IEEE TAES, 2016.

Preprint PDF Project

. FPGA-Based CCSDS Compliant Miniaturized Satellite Communication Stack. In CESCIT, 2015.

PDF Project

. Low Power Highly Configurable CCSDS Compliant Satellite Communication Module. In 4S Symposium, 2014.


Recent Posts


embSnake is a reimplementation of the classic snake game in the c programming language.


An Oscilloscope Graphics Game based on the STM32F3DISCOVERY Development Board.

Ferifon mobile phone

A promotional fully functional single PCB board mobile phone.

Weather Indicator Cube

A device to display the short-term weather forecast as a changin color pattern.


TRISAT Project

The TRISAT nanosatellite aims to provide an in-orbit demonstration of the Slovenian space technologies by following the latest trends of technology miniaturization, addressing the upcoming changes in the economy of space.

ESMO Project

The ESMO Project represented an opportunity for students to design a lunar mission and so contribute to the scientific knowledge and future exploration of the Moon by returning new data and testing new technologies.


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